Bloomberg: ‘Essential’ Press Be with Trump In Case of ‘Assassination’

Nicholas Fondacaro | November 16, 2016
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The liberal media was up in arms Wednesday over President-Elect Donald Trump having the nerve to want a relatively quiet dinner with his family away from the press. Bloomberg’s John Heilemann decried the president-elect on With All Due Respect, calling the dinner, “a major brake in protocol and one the White House Correspondents Association called, quote, ‘unacceptable.’” When discussing why the press needed to know the whereabouts of the president Heilemann and his co-host Mark Haplerin were fixated on presidential assassinations.

We need to be with the president-elect and the president of the United States,” explained Halperin, “Not because we’re trying to bother him, but because it is our job to cover him, and in the world in which we live-- Kennedy assassination, 9/11.” Heilemann chimed in noting, “Reagan assassination attempt, you know.

And if something happens to him, the public deserves to know the moment—as quickly as possible that thing has happened in case he’s incapacitated, as you said, and the power has to be transferred to another officer in the government—the vice president or someone else,” Heilemann continued to ramble.

Halperin hopped that Trump would soon accept that the press will be with him at all times, so they can move on to scrutinizing his administration. “And what I don't want is for this fight to become such a lightning rod (as important as it is) that we don't think about all of the areas in which we need to fight so there is the kind of coverage the American public, not just wants, but needs and deserves of this administration,” he argued.

Their talk about assassinations was sparked by Heilemann wondering when Trump would be “bridled” and “inevitably be brought to heel by the press like every other past president.” Surly this kind of terminology wouldn’t dare be used against President Barack Obama, especially since he gave the press the slip in Hawaii back in 2008. Something both Bloomberg reporters completely failed to mention.

 Closing out the segment, Heilemann tried to smear Trump by mischaracterizing Trump’s press-less excursion, claiming, “The president cannot be out in the middle of the night nightclubbing, in Manhattan, without anybody knowing where he is, it’s not cool.” But as amusing as the thought of Trump cutting a rug is, the overblown hysteria from the liberal media is a deception to the public since he was only few blocks from Trump Tower.