Bill Maher: ‘Our System Sucks,’ Constitution Needs a ‘Re-Write’

Brent Baker | June 27, 2016
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Bill Maher on his HBO show, Real Time, on Friday night, June 24, reacting to the House not conducting any gun control votes after Orlando and comparing it unfavorably to how the British government reacted to the Brexit vote:

“I saw David Cameron today. You know, I’m up at 2:00 in the morning when this all happens. So I watched his whole speech and it’s like ‘I lost the vote, I graciously leave office.’ It’s like their system works so beautifully. We can’t even get a vote on something that 90 percent of Americans agree on and can’t get a vote. Our system sucks. It really does. The Constitution needs a page one re-write.”

>> This video clipped for Paul Bedard's June 27 Mainstream Media Scream for the Washington Examiner <<