Biden Quotes Mao to ABC’s Roberts, She Refuses to Push Back or Question

Nicholas Fondacaro | August 23, 2020
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

For at least the second time in two months, Democratic nominee Joe Biden used a quote made famous by communist leader Mao Tse-tung when it came to women. Calling it simply an “old expression,” Biden got away with quoting the communist monster (who killed millions of people) because his interviewer, ABC’s Robin Roberts refused to call out, push back, or question her candidate as to why he was doing it.

The interview, which was done for Sunday night’s 20/20, was previewed on that morning’s Good Morning America and was touted by co-anchor Eva Pilgrim. “In an exclusive ABC News interview with Robin Roberts and David Muir, Robin asking the Democratic nominee about why he chose Harris as his running mate,” she announced.

Biden’s quotation of the communist butcher came when explaining why he chose Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) to be his running mate.
