Biased Chuck Todd Claims to be ‘Referee’ Enforcing Political ‘Rules’

Kyle Drennen | March 9, 2017
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More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.

In a new ad to promote his MSNBC show MTP Daily, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd took to a basketball court and discussed the rules of the game. He then fretted: “But what about our politics, are there any rules anymore? And if so, will anybody play by them?” Todd assured viewers that he and his liberal network would be objective enforcers: “These days, politics could use a little refereeing. And we’re not afraid to blow the whistle.”

However, Todd’s history of liberal bias disqualifies him from making such claims. As recently as Sunday’s Meet the Press, Todd spent much of the broadcast claiming “growing evidence” of collusion between the President Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian government despite there being none. The previous Sunday, Republican Senator Tom Cotton was forced to scold Todd for relying too much on anonymous sources for stories that turned out to be false.