Bernstein: Comey Firing ‘More Dangerous Situation’ Than Watergate

Nicholas Fondacaro | May 14, 2017
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

In the immediate aftermath of the firing of FBI Director James Comey, CNN was a hub of outrageous hyperbole and rancor. Five days after the event, and CNN is still that hub. On Global Public Square, Fareed Zakaria claimed Trump was a “danger to American democracy.” Meanwhile, on Reliable Sources, analyst Carl Bernstein claimed the firing was worse than Watergate. “I think this is a potentially more dangerous situation than Watergate and we are at a very dangerous moment,” he told CNN’s Brian Stelter and Jeffrey Toobin.

That declaration came after Stelter cued him up, asking: “Since Watergate was brought up, Carl. How do you assess this situation versus the story that you helped share with the world in the 1970s?”

And that's because we are looking at the possibility that the President of the United States and those around him during an election campaign colluded with a hostile foreign power to undermine the basis of our democracy: free elections,” Bernstein continued.

According to Bernstein, “We don't know the facts.” But that didn’t stop him speculating that “what we do know is that the President of the United States seems to be doing everything in his power to keep us from knowing the facts, including firing the director of the FBI
