Bernie Sanders: Death Penalty is 'Murder,' Abortion Is 'Choice'

MarkF | November 1, 2015
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I took it for granted that a far-lefty like Bernie Sanders would be opposed to the death penalty. Still, I was shocked to see Sanders--not in some throwaway comment on the campaign trail but in prepared remarks on the floor of the Senate--flatly call the death penalty "murder."

Al Sharpton's MSNBC show played Sanders clip this morning in the context of saying that Sanders is working to differentiate his policy positions from those of Hillary, who says she supports the death penalty in "rare" cases. How can we begin to explain the moral compass of liberals like Sanders who call imposing the death penalty on adults duly convicted of heinous crimes "murder," but refer to the killing of innocent, unborn babies as "choice" or other grotesque euphemisms like "women's health?"

After playing the clip of Sanders calling capital punishment "murder," MSNBC cut away to a break without comment.