Ben Shapiro Unpacks the Liberal Media's Conflict With Conservatives, Religion

Nicholas Fondacaro | May 5, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

In a Sunday appearance on CNN’s Reliable Sources, conservative thought leader and editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro and host Brian Stelter had a thoughtful discussion about where the media was failing when it came to discussing religion, conservatives, and President Trump.

At the top of the second part of their interview, Stelter lamented that religion was “oftentimes a blind spot for the American media” and an “ongoing disappointment” for him and others. To his credit, he disliked how “these topics are not more front and center in the public square that the press creates.”

Shapiro pointed out that journalism school and college tend to draw people who shun God and religion, which inevitably leads to “a huge blind spot in the discussion of religion and what that leads to is sort of an antagonistic relationship with people who are religious and tend to mislabel anybody who's religious is a bigot.

Part of their discontent for religion results in media folks smearing it as “just cover for an innate bigotry”, and the anti-religious notion that “if we just got rid of the religion we would be able to get beyond the bigotry,” according to Shapiro. “I don't think that's an accurate assessment of what religion means to people. I don’t think it’s an accurate assessment of what church means to people.”
