Bear Witness Van Jones’ Election Night Emotional Roller Coaster

Nicholas Fondacaro | November 7, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Election Night 2018 was a mixed bag that left both parties walking away feeling happy. Republicans blunted the so-called “blue wave” and captured key governorships while Democrats flipped control of the House. During CNN’s Election Night in America, Tuesday, liberal activist and commentator Van Jones was a whirlwind of emotions as each development unfurled.

Early in the evening when it became painfully obvious the “blue wave” crashed against red breakers, Jones was deeply depressed. “This is heartbreaking, though. It's heartbreaking,” he declared before equating Democratic efforts to unseat Republicans to “antibodies” fighting off an “infestation of hatred and division”.

When CNN finally called that Democrats flipped the House, Jones’ emotional state did a 180-degree U-turn. “Van Jones, I don't know how many hours ago it was you said this was heartbreaking. Where is your head now,” joked host Anderson Cooper.

My heart has been restored,” Jones joyously proclaimed as he proceeded to sing the praises of the Democratic Party. “It is the end of one-party rule in the United States, thank God, and the beginning of a new Democratic Party, younger, browner, cooler, more women, more veterans. Can win in Michigan, can win in Pennsylvania, can win in Ohio.”
