ABC's Sam Donaldson Said Anti-Bush Subpoenas Would Be a "Good Thing"

Rich Noyes | October 23, 2006
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On ABC's This Week back on October 22, 2006, Sam Donaldson declared it would be "a good thing" if Democrats took control of Congress and began using subpoenas to investigate the Bush administration:

ABC's Sam Donaldson: "What we'll see is subpoenas, if they [Democrats] take control, and these subpoenas will delve into every nook and cranny of the Republican administration for the last six years."
ABC's Cokie Roberts: "Well, now you're doing the Republican talking points, because that is exactly what the administration is making people fear."
Donaldson: "Why do you think I'm saying it's a bad thing? I think it's probably a good thing."
Roberts: "I understand you think it's a good thing, but a lot of people don't think it's a good thing."