ABC Suggests White House Hiding Evidence With Memo Redactions

Nicholas Fondacaro | February 25, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

On Saturday, the White House officially allowed the rebuttal memo drafted by House Democrats on the Intelligence committee to be released. The memo was meant to rebuke the one released by their Republican counterparts a few weeks ago, but the FBI requested that certain information be redacted because it exposed sources and methods. In response to the release, ABC’s Good Morning America touted the memo on Sunday but claimed the White House was responsible for the redactions and suggested they were hiding something.

The latest memo was written up by Congressman Adam Schiff (Calif.) and was meant to be a “point by point rebuttal of another Republican memo released weeks ago. Subject line, ‘correcting the record, the Russia investigations,’” hyped White House Correspondent David Wright at the start of his report. And with great snarkiness, he added: “As it says there on the bottom, top secret, until now. When the Republicans finally got around to declassifying it.

Wright failed to mention that the Republicans unanimously voted to release the Democratic memo weeks ago and that the holdup was the FBI, just as he did with explaining who wanted the redactions.
