ABC Praises ‘Carefully Choreographed’ Kavanaugh Obstruction By Dems

Nicholas Fondacaro | September 5, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

In a showcase of how much they could act like spoiled children, Senate Democrats (and liberal activists) spent most of Tuesday’s confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh obstructing the process and making a scene. Of course, many in the liberal media cheered on the behavior since they’re all on the same side. And on ABC’s World News Tonight, correspondent Terry Moran praised it as Democrats doing their job.

From the get-go, Moran touted how wild Democrats were breaking order and shouting over Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA). “Before Judge Brett Kavanaugh's hearing even began, Democrats tried to end it,” he announced. “One by one, raising objections.”

Moran boasted about how the nonsense “was all carefully choreographed” by liberal Senators and how the out of control protestors “chimed in, too.” And as if it was somehow the fault of Senate Republicans or Kavanaugh himself, he chided how “as the room grew ever more raucous, his young daughters were removed. Apparently, it wasn't a scene fit for kids.

Clearly trying to rewrite the history of what actually happened during the proceedings, Moran falsely claimed Republicans were “struggling to defend their nominee through the clamor.”

Fulfilling his role as a messenger for the Democrats, Moran suggested that all they wanted was transparency:
