ABC Panelist Admits There Were ‘Paid’ Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters

Nicholas Fondacaro | October 7, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Many in the liberal media scoff when President Trump or others on the right point out that leftists pay protesters to show up and organize. During ABC’s This Week on Sunday, the network’s chief White House correspondent Jon Karl sought to discredit the assertion since the President noted it at a rally the previous night. But he didn’t appear to get the answer he was looking when Vice News D.C. Bureau Chief Shawna Thomas appeared to admit that there were people paid to organize.

“So, Vice News actually spent a lot of time with the protesters over this past week. We saw the President say these were professional protesters paid by George Soros est. est.,” Karl mocked. “Who were these people, what was going on?”

After talking about following the efforts of a group of Native-Americans talking with Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R), Thomas shifted to talking about those who “organized”. “And that moment with Jeff Flake on the Hill, we talked to one woman who worked for Ultraviolet who was paid. She helped steer people in the right ways to be able to confront senators,” she admitted.

“So, there were paid…” Karl trailed off seemingly dumbfounded as Thomas continued. “There were people who were paid by organizations like Ultraviolet to try to harness that energy in a way that would make the viral moments that we ended up seeing,” she said.
