ABC: To Impeach, Dems Face Trump’s ’90 Percent’ ‘Hard-Line’ Support

Nicholas Fondacaro | March 3, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

After the testimony from convicted liar Michael Cohen before the House Oversight Committee last week, the liberal media were convinced he was the key for Democrats to bring down President Trump regardless of what the Special Counsel found. One of the biggest problems for Democrats, according to ABC host and Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America Sunday, was that Trump enjoyed ’90 percent’ approval from the GOP, who Stephy seemed to suggest were all hardliners.

With no acknowledgment of the apparent lies Cohen (once again) told Congress last week, Stephanopoulos seemed to paint the Republican grilling of Cohen as something defying the facts of the matter:

Republicans have completely fallen in line. The President's approval rating now among Republicans is close to 90 percent. One of the things we saw at the Cohen hearing this week, with maybe the exception of Justin Amash of Michigan, all the Republicans down the line attacking Michael Cohen implicitly defending the President even though they showed no interest in the kind of issues Cohen was raising at the time.

“And as long as that holds, that's going to be a bar to Democrats who are seeking impeachment of the president. It will be difficult to move forward on impeachment if the Republicans have that hard-line in support of the President,” Stephanopoulos added.
