2016 DisHonors ‘Hail Hillary Award’ Nominee: Joy Reid

Brent Baker | September 22, 2016
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Correspondent Joy Reid: “If you look at Hillary Clinton’s qualifications, I mean, my God, since the Founding Fathers, has anyone tried to run for president with more on their resume?”
Host Andrea Mitchell: “John Quincy Adams, maybe.”
Reid: “Maybe John Quincy Adams. True, true, true. Jefferson, Adams, I mean you have to go back literally to the 18th century to find somebody with a more packed resume than Hillary Clinton.”
— Exchange on noontime hour of MSNBC’s Place for Politics, April 8.

At the Media Research Center’s “DisHonors Awards” held on Thursday, September 22, 2016 during the MRC’s annual gala, one of three nominees for the “Hail Hillary Award.” More on NewsBusters about the awards.