Colleen | March 19, 2009
NBC correspondent Dawna Friesen uses terms such as "dangerous doctrinaire vision" and increasingly irrelevant" to describe Pope Benedict's comments about condoms in the fight against AIDS.
Colleen | March 18, 2009
CNN anchor Rick Sanchez blames American's appetite for drug and loose gun laws for wars between drug cartels in Mexico.
Colleen | March 17, 2009
Dan Gainor appeared on FBN's "Money for Breakfast" to discuss the Obama economic team's performance in the administration's first 50 days.
Colleen | March 16, 2009
The CBS Early Show host Chris Wragge interviewed star of HBO's "Big Love" Bill Paxton and mentioned the controversial March 15 episode. The episode aired a scene portraying a sacred ceremony in the Mormon Temple and CBS gave Paxton a platform to defend HBO.
Colleen | March 13, 2009
The Culture and Media Institute is impressed with ABC's Nightline "Faith Matters" series on the March 12, 2009 broadcast. Nightline did a balanced and informative piece about reformed prostitutes who have turned to Jesus and left the destructive lifestyle of a Las Vegas prostitute.
Colleen | March 11, 2009
A Good Morning America promotes Obama's decision to federally fund new embyronic stem cell.
Colleen | March 9, 2009
CMI staff created their own tongue-in-cheek video pledging to work with the new administration.
Colleen | March 6, 2009
Air Date: March 5, 2009: Chris Matthews on Hardball Makes Accusations About Pro-Lifer's throwing people in Jail - treats Ken Blackwell poorly compared to the other guest
Colleen | March 4, 2009
March 3, 2009: CNN American Morning's Kiran Chetry speaks to a pastor formerly addicted to pornography about a new study that says "Red" states consume more porn than "blue" states. However, according to many, the study has some flaws and fuzzy math.
Colleen | February 25, 2009
NBC's Access Hollywood refuses to cover the octo-mom story and acts as if its above the gossip calling the story "gross." However, they played a clip of Rosie O'Donnell discussing her journey through menopause just moments earlier. That's pretty "gross."