MRC Latino | May 5, 2020
  JORGE RAMOS: Tell us, Rosario. How, how are things being handled here in the United States? What if we set aside the health issues and you tell us if you think that the decision to open the states is the right one. ROSARIO MARIN:  Well look, obviously, obviously, there is almost desperation, at least on the part of this president, to reopen the economy because he is aware that his re-…
MRC Latino | April 30, 2020
FRANCISCO CACERES: Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto made history four years ago after becoming the first Latina elected to the United States Senate. This year, she could again make history as a potential running mate for Joe Biden, after he announced that he would choose a woman as vice president. […] CACERES: How do you feel about your name being part of the conversation? […] CORTEZ…
MRC Latino | April 29, 2020
  JORGE RAMOS: This is what the doctors say: "Please do not ingest or inject yourself with disinfectant to fight coronavirus." This warning comes after President Donald Trump said at a press conference that the possibility of disinfectant injections was that needed to be explored. […] I don't even want to try to get into President Trump's head, but why would he say something like that…
MRC Latino | April 27, 2020
  JORGE RAMOS: This is the new battlefield in America’s culture war. PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I have never seen so many American flags at a rally as I have at these rallies. These people love our country, they want to get back to work. These are great people. Look, they’ve got cabin fever. They want to get back. They want their life back. Their life was taken away from them.     PROTESTER: We…
MRC Latino | April 24, 2020
LARRY KING: Aquí de vuelta - un par de llamadas adicionales sobre este importantísimo tema. Nuestros invitados son el exsenador Howard Baker, el exasesor de seguridad nacional Richard Allen, y Lois Romano de El Washington Post. San Luis Obispo, California, saludos. PERSONA QUE LLAMA: Sí, hola. Me pregunto qué haría una empleada aparte de contactar a los medios en Washington. Mi hija acaba de…
MRC Latino | April 23, 2020
  JOSE DÍAZ-BALART: There is anguish within the Latino community, after President Trump's decision to suspend immigration for 60 days. Many believe it is nothing more than a measure to please his followers, but there are immigrants who nervously await the details of the new anti-immigrant measure. Cristina Londoño has the reactions. PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I am pleased to announce that…
MRC Latino | April 21, 2020
JORGE RAMOS: How is it possible- it’s an honest question. How is it possible that the world’s most powerful country- that the world’s wealthiest country- Maria Antonieta- have those numbers, when we’ve known, since January 21st, which is when the first case was reported here in the United States. And President Trump waited until March 13th before making a decision. So...why was something not done…
MRC Latino | April 21, 2020
JORGE RAMOS:  A movement that blends right-wing organizations that defend the use of firearms, that condemn abortion and that want the dismissal of Dr.  Anthony Fauci, head of the government epidemiologists, is gaining followers throughout the country. These groups are pressuring state governments to end the coronavirus lockdown. Gerardo Reyes explains who's behind it.
MRC Latino | April 16, 2020
JANET RODRIGUEZ: The lines to apply for help across the country extend for miles and the wait will go on, because President Donald Trump now wants to see his name displayed on the checks to be sent by the government.  U.S. REP. DEBBIE MUCARSEL-POWELL (D-FL): It's typical of a president who has used this pandemic to score political points. Because he knows there's an election in November.  U.S.…
MRC Latino | April 14, 2020
MARIA CELESTE ARRARAS: Now China presents itself to the world as a global guardian angel. This 747 arrived in New York with tons of protective medical equipment shipped by the Chinese government.  Upon analyzing over 300 examples of social media posts from the Chinese government and from the Chinese state press agency, everything appears to indicate that there is a campaign underway  to improve…