mrctvstaff | June 28, 2017
ARANXTA LOIZAGA, ANCHOR, NOTICIERO UNIVISION FIN DE SEMANA: Identity theft in the United States is one of the fastest growing crimes. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reported that undocumented immigrants stole nearly 1.4 million social security numbers to be able to work in the country and file their tax returns,  and what is serious, is that many of the victims have not found out about it…
mrctvstaff | June 28, 2017
ROBERTO RUIZ, ANCHOR, HECHOS NACIONAL TARDE, AZTECA AMERICA: A 17-year-old Muslim female was murdered, a young woman, was murdered while leaving a mosque in the City of Fairfax. Nabra Hassan was found in a nearby pond. And the principal suspect is the man who appears on screen, Darwin Martínez Torres, a 22-year-old who allegedly beat her before she died. The young woman’s mother indicated that…
mrctvstaff | June 20, 2017
BRIAN KILMEADE, PRESENTADOR, FOX AND FRIENDS: Los demócratas se burlaron del presidente Trump durante la campaña cuando dijo que había fraude generalizado en las elecciones. NANCY PELOSI, LÍDER DE LA MINORÍA DE LA CÁMARA DE REPRESENTANTES: No hay evidencia para apoyar lo que el presidente ha dicho. El hecho es que es un no ... es tan ... BRIAN KILMEADE, PRESENTADOR, FOX AND FRIENDS: Sé a qué se…
mrctvstaff | June 20, 2017
  WILFREDO AMR RUIZ, COUNCIL ON AMERICAN ISLAMIC RELATIONS (CAIR): The religion has absolutely nothing to do with the acts they commit.
mrctvstaff | June 20, 2017
BRIAN KILMEADE, HOST, FOX AND FRIENDS: Democrats laughed at President Trump during the campaign when he said there was widespread fraud in the election. NANCY PELOSI, HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: There is no evidence to support what the president has said. The fact is that it's a non-- it’s so … BRIAN KILMEADE, NEWS ANCHOR, FOX NEWS: I know what you mean. But one reporter just found out that dead…
mrctvstaff | June 19, 2017
JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO, UNIVISION: If what you are saying is true, and you believe that you have the support of the vast majority of Puerto Ricans, then how do you explain support for independence or for the pro-independence ideas of Oscar Lopez?   RICARDO ROSSELLO, GOVERNOR OF PUERTO RICO: But what support are you talking about, Jorge? Independence has never surpassed single digits here…
mrctvstaff | June 13, 2017
FELIX DE BEDOUT, NEWS ANCHOR, UNIVISION: In the referendum about the status of Puerto Rico, the majority voted for its annexation to the United States. The result does not have a practical effect.
mrctvstaff | June 13, 2017
IVAN TAYLOR, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: Meléndez has not returned to Pulse. He says the emotions do not allow him to. But he disagrees with what the FBI said: that the detonator of the attack was hatred of the gay community. Melendez’s doubts have not yet been clarified by the authorities.
mrctvstaff | June 13, 2017
ARANTXA LOIZAGA, NEWS ANCHOR, UNIVISION: Thousands of people participated today in the national march for unity and gay pride, in 100 cities around the country. In Washington, the main event was the march for equality and against discrimination, in which pro-LGBT community activist groups protested some of the policies of the of the Trump administration that put at risk the advances that have…
mrctvstaff | June 9, 2017
Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell credits the actions of MRC supporters for encouraging CNN to sever ties with Reza Aslan –the man who called President Trump a “piece of shit" on Twitter. “America has sent an unmistakable message to CNN. We will not stand idly by while their so-called "religious scholar" smears the president of the United States and conservative leaders with…