Alex Fitzsimmons | August 23, 2010
ABC "This Week" anchor Christiane Amanpour parroted Time magazine's cover story about whether opposition to the Ground Zero mosque is fueled by Islamophobia.
Alex Fitzsimmons | August 23, 2010
MRC President Brent Bozell on the August 20 Hannity exposed the media's biased coverage of the Ground Zero mosque.
Alex Fitzsimmons | August 12, 2010
During Morning Joe on Thursday, MSNBC's Chuck Todd appeared baffled by a discussion of negative feelings directed towards Barack Obama from Wall Street. The confused journalist wondered, "why, he has not done that much" when it comes to business stuff.
Alex Fitzsimmons | August 9, 2010
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos and Cokie Roberts on Monday downplayed the potential bad PR Michelle Obama might suffer for taking a Spanish vacation costing $250,000.
Alex Fitzsimmons | August 6, 2010
Brent Bozell appeared on the August 5 "Hannity" for the weekly "Media Mash" segment. Topics included the media celebrating Obama's 49th birthday and Harry Smith's softball question about the Obama administration not getting enough credit for its successes.
Alex Fitzsimmons | August 4, 2010
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough on Wednesday chided, "My party. What happened to my party?" Democrat Co-host Mika Brzezinski made sure to notify Scarborough that, "Your party is over!" Scarborough was astounded that some Senate Republicans are calling for hearings on the 14th Amendment regarding birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants.
Alex Fitzsimmons | August 4, 2010
MSNBC's Cenk Unger used his daily "Cenk's Take" segment to rewrite the history books, railing against conservatives and claiming that national gay marriage is "inevitable."
Alex Fitzsimmons | August 4, 2010
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham appeared on the August 3 The Colbert Report to discuss her bestselling book, "The Obama Diaries."
Alex Fitzsimmons | August 4, 2010
ABC's George Stephanopoulos on the August 4 GMA articulated the liberal talking points on the Groud Zero mosque controversy while interviewing conservative guest Laura Ingraham.
Alex Fitzsimmons | August 2, 2010
Former TIME Reporter Margaret Carlson touted the idea that Americans are only upset with illegal immigration because, "there is an economic downturn and during that period you find somebody to blame, they are blaming immigrants." Carlson also used unsubstantiated statistical evidence citing that,"Phoenix is one of the four safest cities in America."