emaloney | June 24, 2009
From www.Brain-Terminal.com: On a crystal clear morning, New York City came under attack. This video memorial, taken from footage shot by eyewitness David Vogler, shows the story of September 11th, through fire and ambulance radio calls, the 911 call of a trapped World Trade Center worker, and the lens of local resident who saw an explosion while walking to work.
emaloney | June 24, 2009
From www.Brain-Terminal.com: Bill Clinton's attempt to define his legacy is a 957-page book called My Life. Panned by the New York Times as “sloppy, self-indulgent and often eye-crossingly dull,” thousands of people still stood on line for hours to have Clinton sign their copies. I asked the autograph-seekers for their thoughts on Bill, his book, and his legacy.
emaloney | June 24, 2009
From www.Brain-Terminal.com: When New Yorkers awoke to single-digit temperatures and a few inches of new snowfall, you knew Al Gore had to be in town giving a high-profile speech about "global warming." The speech was sponsored by MoveOn.org, which had recently gained notoriety by hosting two political ads equating President Bush with Adolf Hitler.
emaloney | June 24, 2009
From www.Brain-Terminal.com: I was now completely encircled. When I tried to escape, the protesters then started smacking the camera with their signs, while others were shoving me from different directions. I started retreating, pushing my way back from the loudspeaker, all the while leaving the camera running and asking the protesters why they weren’t letting me film.
emaloney | June 24, 2009
From www.Brain-Terminal.com: The same weekend that I filmed the original Protesting the Protesters video in New York City, Kfir Alfia and Alan Davidson assembled a group to infiltrate the San Francisco protest with signs mocking the protesters. The attention they received led them to start Protest Warrior.
emaloney | June 24, 2009
From www.Brain-Terminal.com: Anti-Israeli sentiment ran strong at the San Francisco protest, in some cases suggesting an undercurrent of anti-Semitism. Is support for a Jewish state the same as ethnic cleansing? Should the Israelis be shipped to Madagascar? Some of the protesters thought so...
emaloney | June 24, 2009
From www.Brain-Terminal.com: During my interviews covering the San Francisco peace protest, I spoke with a gentleman named Frank Chu. Unbeknownst to me at the time, Frank is somewhat of a celebrity in the financial district of San Francisco. He even has a couple of web sites dedicated to him. So, at the request of Frank’s adoring fans, I have decided to post the uninterrupted interview.
emaloney | June 24, 2009
From www.Brain-Terminal.com: Is Marxism dead? Don’t bet on it! Hard-left ideologies and conspiracy theories were proudly displayed at this San Francisco peace protest.
emaloney | June 23, 2009
From www.Brain-Terminal.com: War is not the answer, or so they say. But what is the answer? I went to the peace protest to try and find out...