DannyG | May 17, 2008
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, who authored a bill to overturn the District of Columbia's gun ban, discussed the case to overturn the ban before the NRA on May 16.
DannyG | May 16, 2008
Marcus Luttrell, a former Navy SEAL who lost fellow soldiers and nearly his own life in Afghanistan, told the NRA that bad reporting about war is the only thing that induces post-traumatic stress disorder for him.
DannyG | May 16, 2008
Marcus Luttrell, a former Navy SEAL whose story of heroism in Afghanistan is told in his book "Lone Survivor," shared his world view at the National Rifle Association event in Louisville on May 16.
DannyG | May 15, 2008
In this episode of "The Bloggy Pulpit," Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit explains why politicians all of a sudden agree that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms. It's the voters, stupid!
DannyG | May 7, 2008
Lamar Smith, R-Texas, took to the House floor May 6 to chastise the media. "[S]lanted coverage pervades much of the news Americans get every day," he said, adding that media bias is one of the greatest threats to democracy.
DannyG | May 6, 2008
Sen. Russell Feingold, D-Wis., jumped out of the bushes with legislation that would force same-day voter registration for all federal elections. His bill would create new problems, not solve any existing ones.
DannyG | April 29, 2008
Jan Tyler of NeutralNation takes The New York Times to task for its criticism of Monday's Supreme Court ruling that upheld a voter-identification law in Indiana. She says the court got it right.
DannyG | April 21, 2008
John Hawkins of Right Wing News debuts "The Bloggy Pulpit" by arguing that Barack Obama lacks the experience to be president and is too liberal. Read Obama's words.
DannyG | April 18, 2008
Barack Obama on April 17 scolded Hillary Clinton for her debate behavior the night before -- and appeared to flip her the bird. The audience loved it.
DannyG | April 16, 2008
In Campaign 2008, YouTube has become a forum for voters (and some candidates) to voice their political preferences in song. There's not a Grammy contender in the bunch. Here's a glimpse of the best of the worst.