DannyG | August 30, 2008
By K. Daniel Glover Yesterday, Eyeblast.tv launched its "Liberals Behaving Badly" channel to expose the antics of lefties who do things like spit on military veterans, chant "Kill Michelle Malkin!" and swear at Fox News reporters. We promoted the channel on our Facebook "fan" page. Today, only hours after posting the note at Facebook, a friend notified me via Facebook that the administrators at…
DannyG | August 29, 2008
In an appearance at YouTube's pro-Barack Obama booth at the Democratic convention, CBS' Katie Couric claimed the mantle of objectivity. "I'm a journalist. I'm an objective journalist. There's still a few of us left."
DannyG | August 28, 2008
By K. Daniel Glover Over the past month, John McCain's online shop has churned out video after video aimed at Barack Obama. Most are television ads, while others were made just for the Internet. All of them have hit their mark dead center. Let's go to the tape for a recap: -- July 21, "Pump": Asks who is to blame for higher gas prices and answers the question with background voices chanting "…
DannyG | August 28, 2008
By K. Daniel Glover Barack Obama takes center stage in Denver tonight to accept the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. That makes today a great time to reflect on what Obama's campaign of hope and change hath wrought. So here, for your viewing pleasure, is a compilation of Obama's greatest rhetorical hits from the past 19 months. I've limited this special package to 10 tracks and five…
DannyG | August 28, 2008
Barack Obama takes center stage at the Democratic convention tonight. It's the perfect time to relive some of the most memorable and telling moments of his campaign. I've compiled them into one five-minute package. Enjoy!
DannyG | August 27, 2008
By K. Daniel Glover Over at Hot Air, my friend Ed Morrissey doesn't think conservatives should get exercised about former Democratic President Jimmy Carter calling wannabe Democratic president Barack Obama a "black boy" in an interview with PBS. Ed is right to note that taken in context, Carter's comments weren't at all racist. He was praising Obama. But conservatives should be upset at the…
DannyG | August 26, 2008
Jan Tyler reports on a Progressive Democrats of America election reform seminar. One strategy promoted was for Barack Obama not to concede a loss until every vote is counted in order to create public doubt.
DannyG | August 24, 2008
Jan Tyler explains how the Brennan Center for Justice redefines voter fraud narrowly, then claims there isn't any. What about election fraud?
DannyG | August 21, 2008
To hear Barack Obama tell it, Campaign 2008 is all about change. Unfortunately, both he and John McCain today agreed to the same, tired routine of debates organized by the Commission on Presidential Debates for the past five presidential cycles. Sticking to the system – this year that means three presidential debates on Sept. 26, Oct. 7 and Oct. 15, and a vice-presidential debate on Oct. 2 –…
DannyG | August 12, 2008
Looks like the Navy finally got its online act together and secured Internet access for the bloggers it invited aboard the USS Kearsarge. Thomas Crowe, who recently left the Navy's chaplain candidate program and resigned his commission, is embedded on the ship and blogging at RedState. The humanitarian mission begins in earnest when the crew goes ashore in Nicaragua today. Visit RedState's…