kbrown | October 15, 2006
“CBS Evening News” anchor Bob Schieffer complained that oil “closed at an unbelievable $71.35” and incorrectly claimed that was a record high.
kbrown | October 15, 2006
Energy analyst John Kilduff warned that $70/barrel oil could “be the breaking point for the economy.” He was wrong.
kbrown | October 15, 2006
John Harwood, CNBC’s chief Washington correspondent, explained that high gas prices “obscure” what the GOP wants to brag about – “and that’s a growing economy.”
kbrown | October 15, 2006
Ryan Ratcliff, of UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, was part of the network trend toward doom-and-gloom in the housing market – warning of a “worst-case scenario” that could send the economy “into recession.”
kbrown | October 11, 2006
ABC’s Geoff Morrell complains that a Texas town’s churches are rendering unto Caesar a busted budget.
kbrown | October 4, 2006
NBC’s "Today Show" Kevin Tibbles bemoans a report comparing business productivity to workers’ wages. "A rising tide is not lifting all boats," say NBC's Matt Lauer.
kbrown | October 2, 2006
On "In the Money" Kurtz said "With the rise of Fox News and conservative talk radio and NPR on the left and certain liberal cable programs, there is, polls have shown, that people like hearing opinions that reinforce their own."
kbrown | September 28, 2006
Miles O'Brien, CNN anchor of "American Morning," following a story on the proposed trans fat ban in NYC said, "Well what are they going to go after next? They going to make us wear our galoshes and button up our overcoats, too?"
kbrown | September 27, 2006
Despite declining gas prices, NBC’s Anne Thompson reminds us we are “just one hurricane” away from more price spikes on the "Nightly News."
kbrown | September 22, 2006
“Paula Zahn NOW” continues gas price conspiracy theory.