kbrown | April 25, 2007
NBC “Nightly News” reporter Tom Costello implied wrongdoing by eBay saying the alleged sale of empty magazines was “Not illegal, but …”
kbrown | April 25, 2007
ABC’s Brian Ross took a dig at gun laws and Diane Sawyer blamed the guns for taking lives at Virginia Tech on the April 18, 2007 “Good Morning America.”
kbrown | April 25, 2007
Brian Ross made Roanoke Firearms owner John Markell sound like a criminal on “Good Morning America” April 18, 2007.
kbrown | April 18, 2007
CNN “American Morning” anchor Miles O’Brien reported on April 10, 2007 that Al Gore’s climate concert “Live Earth” will not be held on the National Mall because of Senator James Inhofe. Scheduling conflicts were actually to blame.
kbrown | April 18, 2007
ABC “World News Saturday” covers the “Step It Up” national climate rallies on April 14, 2007 which called for a mandatory 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions, but ABC did not ask what that would cost taxpayers or businesses.
kbrown | April 11, 2007
Vera Gibbons and Julie Chen discuss the Alternative Minimum Tax on the Feb. 23, 2006 “Early Show” on CBS. Gibbons blamed inflation and the Bush tax cuts for the increased number of middle-class Americans that have to pay the AMT.
kbrown | April 4, 2007
“Nightline” reporter Jessica Yellin banters back and forth with Michael Jacobson of CSPI about the fat and sodium in Chinese food on March 21, 2007.
kbrown | March 28, 2007
In a March 26 segment called “The Home Wreckers,” “World News” anchor Charles Gibson blamed lenders’ “creative financing” for the increasing numbers of foreclosures.
kbrown | March 28, 2007
“World News” anchor Charles Gibson blamed lenders’ “creative financing” for the increasing numbers of foreclosures.
kbrown | March 23, 2007
'Daily Show' host cracks jokes about Al’s testimony to the Senate