Ken Shepherd | June 15, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | In what amounted as the only significant whiff of criticism of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday's Hardball program, NBC News senior political reporter Perry Bacon noted that the failure of Obama/Clinton foreign policy was the reason that Clinton is not emphasizing her four years at Foggy Bottom on the campaign trail. Bacon offered this assessment…
Ken Shepherd | June 12, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | Erin Burnett interviewed Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum in a taped sit-down chat on Thursday. But rather than sticking purely to substantial issues, the CNN anchor also posed two rather trivial queries, one about a hot microphone comment Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) made about fellow Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) being a "bro without a ho," and another…
Ken Shepherd | June 11, 2015
TOPICS: -- American Pharaoh -- President Obama -- Al Sharpton -- FIFA Scandal -- Global Warming Data -- Mississippi -- New Jersey Cop Shooting -- Dennis Rodman -- Caitlyn Jenner
Ken Shepherd | June 9, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | On the June 8, 2015 edition of Hardball, previewing an interview with anti-war activist Fred Boenig, Matthews slammed freshman Republican Sen. Tom Cotton by practically comparing him to Norman Bates, the titular character of the Hitchcock classic Psycho.
Ken Shepherd | June 8, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | Doing a postmortem of the Jodi Ernst's inaugural "Roast and Ride" event this weekend in Iowa, MSNBC's Chris Matthews has positive things to say about Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) as a strong contender for next January's caucuses in the Hawkeye State, namely that he had mixed it up with his network colleague Ed Schultz in the recall election and come out on top. 
Ken Shepherd | June 3, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | On the night before Hillary Clinton's scheduled speech in Houston wherein she will call for a nationwide standard of 20 days of early voting, MSNBC host Chris Matthews subjected viewers to not one but two biased segments on the issue of "voter suppression." Additionally, he capped off his June 3 program with a "Let Me Finish" commentary slamming the GOP as the architect…
Ken Shepherd | June 2, 2015
TOPICS: -- America Divided -- ISIS -- President Obama -- Obama Library -- MSNBC -- Football's Justin Smith -- Jimmy Carter -- American Idol
Ken Shepherd | June 1, 2015
Wrapping up a gushy panel segment hailing Bruce Jenner's transition to "Caitlyn," a transgendered woman, MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews hailed the importance of being "good about these things" and affirming the life choices made by persons like Bruce Jenner with gender identification issues, because, well, "learning is the best part of life." At that, guests Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post…
Ken Shepherd | May 29, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews made perfectly clear he is over the moon with the newly "authentic" and "relatable" Hillary Clinton, beguiled by her jokes the other day at a South Carolina Democratic women's event about how she's been dying her hair for years and so won't go gray in the White House.
Ken Shepherd | May 28, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | Chris Matthews has already scripted his dream scenario for the post-convention portion of the 2016 presidential race. Hillary Clinton is up 5 to 10 points in the polls and she selects, as a gracious move to prove she's about bringing all Americans together, Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) as her running mate.