nburchfiel | March 25, 2008
NBC's "Today Show" delivered an economic 1-2-3 on gas prices, home sales and economic forecasts during the March 25 broadcast.
nburchfiel | March 25, 2008
CBS's Anthony Mason said a rebound in the housing market might not come until 2010.
nburchfiel | March 19, 2008
A sampling of the media's coverage of "Big Oil" profits since early 2007.
nburchfiel | March 17, 2008
Is Bear Stearns' collapse an economice "Code Red" or an investment opportunity? "The Today Show" couldn't pick which spin to put on news March 17.
nburchfiel | March 13, 2008
CNBC's Erin Burnett once again failed to report the whole story on home-foreclosure statistics, this time on the March 13 episode of NBC's "The Today Show."
nburchfiel | March 12, 2008
Speaking on "The Today Show" on March 12, CNBC's Erin Burnett blames higher food prices on "energy prices and a weak dollar" but ignores the role played by government ethanol mandates.
nburchfiel | March 7, 2008
CNBC's Erin Burnett quadrupled foreclosure numbers in an appearance on NBC's "The Today Show" March 8.
nburchfiel | March 6, 2008
Ann Curry says $3.99 gasoline is "well over $4" on NBC's "Today" show March 6.
nburchfiel | March 4, 2008
CNN reporter Susan Roesgen introduced a new economic indicator on March 4, 2008: sad puppies.
nburchfiel | March 3, 2008
CNBC host Jim Cramer tells the "Today" show that the U.S. is in a recession and predicts "scary" job numbers for February on the March 3, 2008, broadcast.