
alautz | June 14, 2013
Alex Wagner just took the media’s infatuation with the Clinton family to a whole new level. In an interview with Chelsea Clinton on Friday’s Now, the…
MRCTVone | September 6, 2011
Profanity warning: The kind of civil language progressives defend as "free speech" when they use it.h/t TwitterCivility
Stephen Gutowski | April 15, 2011
During a hearing in congress recently two supreme court justices were asked about what role social media does and should play in their lives. Here is…
Stephen Gutowski | December 8, 2010
The group responsible for "hacking" several companies which have cut ties with and services to Wikileaks as well as Sarah Palin moments ago had their…
Jpoor | July 2, 2010
CNET Senior Del Conte ‘Worried Twitter Won't Figure Out How to Continue to Stay in Business’