
Dustin Siggins | August 6, 2012
Yesterday, Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) was on This Week to talk with George Stephanopoulos, and Robert Gibbs was on State of the…
danjoseph | August 2, 2012
Perhaps a bit simplistic.  But still adorable. Hat Tip: Patriot Update
obamacare | July 19, 2012
uh, uh, uh, oh
Alicia Powe | July 17, 2012
 President Obama’s campaign has launched a bombardment of attacks on Mitt Romney in recent weeks surrounding the Republican candidate’s tenure with…
Alicia Powe | July 11, 2012
James Carville, former adviser to President Bill Clinton and CNN contributor,  on ABC’s “The View”  was asked if he had any interaction with…
Stephen Gutowski | June 27, 2012
While speaking at a fundraiser in Miami President Obama congratulated the "Heats" for winning the NBA Finals. Apparently the President, whom the…
Alicia Powe | June 14, 2012
Why is President Obama still blaming Bush for the weak economy and the soaring debt? Why is he rejecting all personal responsibility? It seems…
Stephen Gutowski | June 8, 2012
When asked by The Washington Times's America Moning News Ed Schultz refused to say whether or not he thought President Obama did everything he could…
Stephen Gutowski | May 22, 2012
The student who filmed his teacher's tirade against him for criticizing President Obama talked to Fox News. The teacher has since been suspended with…
kyoder | May 22, 2012
The liberal media regularly emphasizes presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith, yet ignores the controversial ties between President Obama…
Teacheru | May 22, 2012
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