Nigel Farage

Nick Kangadis | January 31, 2020
Friday is the day! It's the day that the British people gain their independence from the oppressive European Union (EU). And if you ever needed any…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | July 5, 2019
One is often reminded of the salience of the expression, “actions speak louder than words,” and on July 2, Nigel Farage and his new team of Brexit…
Nick Kangadis | June 5, 2019
The milkshake throwing cowards in the U.K. apparently don’t like Americans who don’t think exactly like them as well, because they attacked a U.K.…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 22, 2019
(Update 5/23/18: An earlier version of this story incorrectly identified Tommy Robinson as a Ukip candidate, Robinson is currently running as an…
Nick Kangadis | May 21, 2019
It doesn’t matter if you hit someone with a pillow. It would be kind of funny, but if you did so because you disagree with them politically, you’re…
MRCTV Contributor | October 19, 2017
  The leader of Britain’s Brexit movement, Nigel Farage, was recently at a Liberty Nation event in DC, where he told the crowd the liberal…
MRCTV Contributor | October 2, 2017
British political figure Nigel Farage became well-known for his support of the Brexit movement in Europe and he continues to discuss international…
Nick Kangadis | April 6, 2017
“It wasn’t about the racism, immigrants or anything, it was about freedom.” Legendary actor Sir Michael Caine was recently interviewed by Sky News…
Nick Kangadis | April 5, 2017
Nigel Farage, the former leader of the U.K.'s Independent Party, could be considered one of those mavericks that has no problem speaking his his…
Craig Millward | February 24, 2017
Nick Kangadis | November 15, 2016
The bust of Winston Churchill in the Oval Office was a symbol of the unity between two proud nations that, despite differences through the years,…