Shocking Video Shows Mom Decking Principal For Asking Her to Keep Her Toddler Off a Basketball Court
If you ever find yourself wondering just how this country began circling the drain, just look to the parents. Or, rather, the total lack of parenting…
The Christmas season has officially come and gone, but Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
During a presser…
DAVID MUIR: This evening, Louisiana is the first state to require the Ten Commandments now be displayed in every public classroom from kindergarten…
Offering emotional satisfaction, but little intellectual, constitutional, or moral completeness, a Federal District Court judge Thursday issued…
There’s a lot to appreciate when contributing to MRCTV’s ongoing coverage of the train wreck that is the absurd “reparations” movement, and,…
Tatum Hatch, a 32-year-old ex-teacher at West Monroe High School in West Monroe, Louisiana, was arrested this week after being suspected of…
[See NewsBusters for more.] Friday afternoon’s edition of CNN News Central took the left-wing culture warring to Louisiana where they profile…
In the aftermath of the pandemic, the Louisiana Senate passed HB 182 on Thursday. The bill in question addresses COVID-19 vaccine requirements in…
If a house of cards falls in the forest, and no one hears, does it make a sound?
Luckily, this house of cards, better known as Dr. Anthony Fauci --…
In a single day, America showed just how divided it really is over the value of life. This is sickening.
On Friday July 29, Louisiana government…
With the historic overturn of Roe v. Wade on Friday, a number of new abortion restrictions are due to take effect in states across the nation. These…
Biological males will no longer be allowed to play in women’s sports in Louisiana.
Republican lawmakers passed the state's “Fairness in Women’s…