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Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz has dealt with hecklers and protesters before, but usually in the form of…
With summer break coming to a close, some parents feel that it’s time to start preparing their children to get back into a school-ready sleep…
President Obama loves to give long, winding answers and journalists almost never cut him off – but today Maryland sixth-grader Osman Yahya did just…
This little kid should be an inspiration to us all. If more parents instilled this kind of reverence for veterans, respect for doing what's right,…
Is California even still a part of the United States? It seems their schools don't believe so. What is going on out on the golden coast?
I think…
It's been less than a week and we have another example of violent imagery involving children from leftist environmentalists. This time its from a…
NBC's Ron Allen, on Monday's "Today" show, highlighted how the residents on Martha's Vineyard are in a tizzy about the First Family vacationing there…