
Stephen Gutowski | February 10, 2011
Here is a late day round up of link worthy posts for your enjoyment my friends! Hot Air: Are you ready for … President The Donald? Drew M: Chairman…
Stephen Gutowski | February 7, 2011
Time to see whats going on around the web. Hot Air: AOL buys Huffington Post for $315 million Ed Driscoll: My Mopar Wants to Kill Your Mama Big…
Stephen Gutowski | February 3, 2011
Headlines time! Hot Air: The Obama waivers start to spread Ace of Spades HQ: The "Clinton Budget" Fallacy Greg Gutfeld: Hey Moms, Abortion’s Not…
Stephen Gutowski | February 1, 2011
Time to read up on the happenings of the day. Michelle Malkin: Philadelphia Horror fallout: Investigating more potential Dr. Deaths Greg Gutfeld:…
Stephen Gutowski | January 27, 2011
Hey guys. Time to read up on whats up. The Right Sphere: A Thought Experiment Film School Rejects: The 20 Most Pro-American Movies Of The Last 10…
Stephen Gutowski | January 24, 2011
Time to read up on the goings ons around the country. Ace of Spades HQ: Socialists To America: We Won, Get Over It Hot Air: One Gosnell victim…
Stephen Gutowski | January 20, 2011
Time to fill your brain with lots of lovely information and what not! DC Trawler: Democrats do their best Borg impression Hot Air: Pedestrian…
Stephen Gutowski | January 18, 2011
Time for the headlines! Iowa Hawk: CSI: Tucson Hot Air: FCC will approve Comcast-NBC merger Michelle Malkin: The mother of all job creation-…
Stephen Gutowski | January 13, 2011
Time to read up on the goings ons of the day. AZ Central: Life Imitates "A Christmas Story" Michelle Malkin: Yes, some college students do know how…
Stephen Gutowski | January 11, 2011
Time for the headlines of the day. Hot Air: Halperin: Hey, why did conservatives defend themselves from being smeared? Gizmodo: Don't Buy the…
Joe Schoffstall | January 7, 2011
Everyone have a great weekend and enjoy the start of the NFL playoffs! Here are your headlines for the day. Yahoo: Unemployment rate falls to 9.4…
Stephen Gutowski | January 6, 2011
Time to read up on whats going down. NJ: Gov. Christie signs 'Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights' Hot Air: Lamest pushback ever? Reading Constitution in…