
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | July 27, 2022
The internet never fails to surprise me.  On today’s episode of 'I wish I gauged my eyes out,' a family doctor with rainbow tie-dye hair just…
Ferlon Webster Jr. | May 24, 2019
A doctor in Great Britain is having a hard time finding work after he “politely” asked a Muslim mother to remove her niqab — a garment of clothing…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 30, 2017
Sometimes, what the dinosaur pop news media don’t report is as revealing as how they slant what they do report. Here's an example: the fact that some…
scooter.schaefer | October 21, 2014
At the age of 39, Kate Allat suffered a stroke. After the stroke, Kate spent 10 days in a coma after which she came around but was unable to move,…
glennbeckclips | September 14, 2011 Hundreds of conservative videos.