
mathew | March 18, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Dems to take on gas prices -- Obama to Saudi Arabia: give Libya guns -- Obama says it would be much easier to be…
mathew | March 15, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Disaster in Japan -- Gitmo to stay open -- NPP CEO resigns -- Charlie Sheen drama continues -- NFL lockout looms --…
mathew | March 11, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Cook: 2012, 2014 will be bad for Dems -- U.S. to drop to world's 3rd biggest economy -- Pope: Jews didn't kill Jesus…
mathew | March 8, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Tea Party cleans up after unions -- Border patrol officer shooting beanbags -- Gas prices soar -- Huck blasts Natalie…
mathew | March 4, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Debt now the size of the US economy -- Dems line up Obama ads for 2012 -- DOJ refuses to enforce DOMA -- $200k for a…
mathew | March 1, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Best Picture: The King's Speech -- Muamar Qaddafi -- 67% of Americans disapprove of "fleebagging" -- Mayor Rahm --…
mathew | February 18, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Majority doesn't want 4 more years -- Obamacare to cost 800k+ jobs -- EU to bail out Portugal…
mathew | February 15, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Mubarak's out -- AOL buys HuffPo for $315 million -- Olbermann going to Gore's Current TV --…
mathew | February 11, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Time's Halperin gushes over Obama -- O most polarizing since Ike -- Ambassador spent $3k on wine in 1…
mathew | February 8, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Packers win the Super Bowl -- Reagan's 100th b-day -- Judge overturns Obamacare -- Scandal at…
mathew | February 8, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Topics in today's show: -- Comcast/NBC merger -- Obama's Internet 'kill switch' -- Debt…
mathew | February 1, 2011
Topics in today's show: -- Egypt in upheaval -- 25 years since the Challenger disaster -- Obama: 'Reaganesque'? -- Rahm…