MSNBC's Scarborough Blames Trump for Explosive Device in Soros's Mailbox, Says His Anti-Soros Rhetoric Has 'Anti-Semitic Overtones'

Ryan Foley | October 24, 2018
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During Tuesday's edition of Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough discussed the explosive device recently found in left-wing billionaire George Soros's mailbox. After talking about how President Trump and "backbenchers in the Republican Congress" have blamed Soros for funding the caravans and "one fake conspiracy after another," Scarborough insinuated that Republicans deserve blame for the explosive device, in addition to saying that bigotry motivates the anti-Soros rhetoric: "You have got to point the finger back at the President and these Republican members of Congress that have just been spreading these conspiracy theories that have anti-Semitic overtones to them."