Lemon Tries to Shame Voters Thinking of Voting for Trump Because of Good Economy

Ryan Foley | May 29, 2019
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During his opening monologue Tuesday night, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon read aloud a portion of former FBI Director James Comey's op-ed in The Washington Post, which referred to President Trump as "a liar who doesn't care what damage he does to vital institutions." Lemon eventually warned that despite Comey's "strong words," "the conventional wisdom is if Americans are satisfied with the economy, happy with their paychecks, the President will win re-election."  Lemon began to address the audience directly, asking "Is that you? Could that be you? This President siding with brutal dictators but happy with the economy, happy with your paycheck, so it doesn't matter what he does?" Lemon closed his opening monologue by trying to find a silver lining for the Trump-hating left: "we are starting to see evidence that a lot of voters are driven more by their views about race and gender than their pocketbooks, thank goodness."