Inaugural Attendees Call For Bipartisanship As They Cheer Jimmy Carter, But Boo Boehner, Gingrich

Corwin Parks | January 22, 2013
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They came from all across America for the 57th Presidential Inauguration. Thousands of travelers from Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Illinois and other locations took to the National Mall on Monday to watch President Barack Obama be sworn in to his second term in office.

Many in the crowd told our cameras they wanted to see some unity in the days ahead. Some claimed they would like to have Democrats and Republicans come together and work for the benefit of our country.

This desire for unity was best demonstrated as the crowd cheered for Democratic politicians, like former President Jimmy Carter. Cheers also went up as for celebrities who support Democratic politicians, like rapper Jay-Z.

Republican politicians, like former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and current Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) were booed when their visages were glimpsed on the video screens that stood tall in areas across the National Mall.

It seems any whispers of bipartisan unity were simply being drown out by the roar of the crowd.