Daily Show's Kosta Slams 'Morally Blind' Trump

Ryan Foley | October 2, 2019
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On Tuesday's edition of The Daily Show, host Trevor Noah brought in correspondent Michael Kosta to weigh in on President Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian President and the calls for impeachment that resulted from it. Kosta declared that "Trump doesn't know right from wrong so technically, he can't do anything wrong." According to Kosta, "you can't blame a blind man for driving on the wrong side of the road so you can't blame a morally blind man for committing crimes." Kosta complained that "America voted to let this morally blind man drive the presidency and now we have no choice but to sit in the back seat and pray he doesn't crash into too many old ladies." Kosta contended that "moral blindness" is "genetic to the whole Trump family" because "Robert Mueller let Don Jr. off the hook for colluding with Russia because he didn't know colluding with Russia was a crime." When Noah pushed back on the idea that "Trump shouldn't be punished because he doesn't know any better," Kosta suggested that "if ignorance is the ultimate legal defense, then we should all strive to be as ignorant as possible." Kosta claimed that he has "been unlearning to read" so he will not get into trouble for "not paying my bills, or ignoring divorce papers or disregarding restraining orders from Denny's."