CBS’s Schieffer Tells Boehner He's 'Presided Over Least-Productive...Congress in History'

Brent Baker | July 22, 2013
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Bob Schieffer harangued House Speaker John Boehner on failure to enact Obama’s liberal policies and blamed him for the sequester. Pre-recorded interview for the Sunday, July 21, Face the Nation:

Schieffer: “Any way you cut it, and whoever’s fault it is, you have presided over what it perhaps the least-productive and certainly one of the least popular Congresses in history. How do you feel about that?”

Boehner: “Well, Bob, we should not be judged on how many new laws we create. We ought to be judged on how many laws that we repeal. We’ve got more laws than the administration could ever enforce. And so we don’t do commemorative bills on the floor. We don’t do all that nonsense. We deal with what the American people want us to deal with. Unpopular? Yes. Why? We’re in a divided government. We’re fighting for what we believe in. Sometimes, you know, the American people don’t like this mess.”

Schieffer: “But it’s not the case, Mr. Speaker, of just passing or not passing new laws. You’ve got the government in gridlock. You’re laying off people in the Defense Department. They’re working four days a week. You’ve got the sequester that is the creation of Congress. This is not something that was foisted upon Washington by somebody from Mars.”

Boehner: “Who insisted upon the sequester? The President of the United States.”

>> This video is featured in the Washington Examiner’s “Washington Secrets” post by Paul Bedard as his July 23 “Mainstream Media Scream.” <<