MRC Latino | December 5, 2017
CONGRESISTA LUIS GUTIÉRREZ: Para que nuestra comunidad inmigrante sea organizada de una manera efectiva para que en 2020 no suceda lo mismo. Nosotros tenemos que hacer como prioridad asegurar el retiro de Donald Trump como presidente, su derrota en el 2020. CONGRESSMAN LUIS GUTIÉRREZ: For our immigrant community to be effectively organized so that in 2020 the same thing does not happen. We have…
MRC Latino | December 4, 2017
VOICE-OVER ANNOUNCER, NOTICIERO ESTRELLA: And now live for all of the United States: Donald Trump continues to show he is a racist President. His hatred towards Muslims has no comparison. PRESIDENT TRUMP: That is who we are.  
MRC Latino | December 1, 2017
STEPHEN COLBERT, HOST: This is the shot, this is the shot of you in, in the floodwaters. CARMEN YULIN CRUZ, MAYOR OF SAN JUAN: That, that was water with human excrement STEPHEN COLBERT, HOST: in it, down in, is this in San Juan? CARMEN YULIN CRUZ, MAYOR OF SAN JUAN: That's in San Juan, in a place called Ocean Park.
MRC Latino | November 30, 2017
WILFREDO AMR RUIZ, MUSLIM CLERIC: And this President has not stopped, that´s the truth, in pushing this policy of dividing our nation, by portraying ethnic or racial minorities as not belonging to the larger part of this society.   WILFREDO AMR RUIZ, CLERIGO MUSULMÁN: Y este presidente no ha cesado, es la realidad, en su avance de esta política de dividir nuestra nación, ya sea…
MRC Latino | November 28, 2017
JORGE RAMOS, UNIVISION ANCHOR: El presidente Trump se refirió hoy a la senadora demócrata Elizabeth Warren como Pocahontas en un evento para rendir homenaje a indígenas navajos héroes de guerra. Dijo que tenían una representante en el Congreso la que llamaba Pocahontas, apodo que él ha usado en contra de Warren. Por eso Warren acusó al presidente Trump de lanzar un insulto racista. La Casa Blanca…
MRC Latino | November 27, 2017
CESAR MUÑOZ ASKING QUESTION: ¿El problema que habría si una nueva ley se inventa y a las armas finalmente les regulan las ventas? What would the problem be if a new law was made that finally regulated arms sales? ANSWERING: El problema es evidente, que no sepa usted me extraña, sin la venta de las armas, ¿quién financia las campañas? The problem is obvious. It's strange you don't know.…
MRC Latino | November 22, 2017
JUAN CARLOS GONZALEZ, EL PASO TEXAS CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: "Fue entonces que fueron emboscados y atacados con piedras en un área conocida por el trasiego de indocumentados y de drogas". JUAN CARLOS GONZALEZ, EL PASO TEXAS CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: "They were ambushed and stoned in an area known for immigrant and drug entry".  
MRC Latino | November 22, 2017
JANET RODRIGUEZ, WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: El pasado año fiscal el área de Big Bend donde ocurrió el incidente registró solo el 1% de todos los arrestos a lo largo de la frontera. JANET RODRIGUEZ, WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: Last fiscal year, the Big Bend area where the incident occurred, registered only 1% of all the arrests along the border.
MRC Latino | November 21, 2017
JOSE MARTINEZ, FATHER OF SLAIN BORDER PATROL AGENT ROGELIO MARTINEZ: I used to be against it because I said it wasn't necessary, but now with what happened to my son, well for me yes, what Donald Trump says, yes, that it be built. I know it doesn't prevent everything, but it will keep agents in not so much danger."
MRC Latino | November 9, 2017
TOM PEREZ, CHAIRMAN, DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE: Donna Brazile and other people said we have to improve the process. JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO, UNIVISION: No, no she did not say that. That is not true. She said something else. She said the Hillary Clinton campaign had taken a part in and was a cancer inside the party, and that she had made a very difficult call to Bernie Sanders to tell him…