MRC Latino | January 8, 2020
  NIC ROBERTSON, CNN: The death of Iran's most revered and feared commander, Qasem Soleimani, constitutes a huge void in the Iranian war machine. […] ILLIA CALDERÓN, UNIVISION: Iran launched several missiles at Iraqi bases housing U.S. troops initiating their sworn revenge on Washington for killing its military hero. […] JANET RODRIGUEZ, UNIVISION: In Tehran, the threat to the United…
MRC Latino | January 7, 2020
NICOLE SUÁREZ, TELEMUNDO: Tensions between the United States and Iran have led the Trump Administration to mobilize troops towards military zones, who will have to put their lives on pause and leave their families behind. Rogelio Mora-Tagle is with some of them, in North Carolina. Tell us. ROGELIO MORA-TAGLE, TELEMUNDO: Well yes, Nicole. We are in Fayetville, in the state of North Carolina.…
MRC Latino | January 7, 2020
BARBARA BERMUDO: Iran announced this Sunday as you know, via state television, their withdrawal from the international agreement that limited its nuclear program, citing the reasoning for this decision as being due to the assassination on Thursday, of top general Soleimani in a bombing. […] STEPHANIE HIMONIDIS: I know that the funeral of this general was held this weekend in Iran and there was…
MRC Latino | January 3, 2020
TSI TSI KI FELIX, ANCHOR, UNIVISION: U.S. Customs and Border Protection formalized a healthcare plan following the mass arrival of migrant families on the U.S.-Mexico border. The aim is to improve medical care for migrants and prevent the death of people in immigration custody. LUIS CARRILLO, LAWYER: The federal government did not implement these measures for humanitarian reasons. The federal…
MRC Latino | January 3, 2020
TSI TSI KI FELIX, ANCHOR, UNIVISION: U.S. Customs and Border Protection formalized a healthcare plan following the mass arrival of migrant families on the U.S.-Mexico border. The aim is to improve medical care for migrants and prevent the death of people in immigration custody. LUIS CARRILLO, LAWYER: The federal government did not implement these measures for humanitarian reasons. The federal…
MRC Latino | December 23, 2019
JOSE DIAZ-BALART: Three Latina congresswomen on the Judiciary Committee played a key role in impeachment […] The “Impeachment Comadres”  […] CRISTINA LONDOÑO: The great frustration for them is that after seeing the same evidence and hearing the same testimony, Republicans continue to support the president unconditionally. […] The “Comadres” say that they don't hate the president. They pray…
MRC Latino | December 20, 2019
SENATE MINORITY LEADER CHARLES SCHUMER (D-NY):  If we don't have a full and fair trial, then the next... this president and other presidents will do even worse, and our democracy could erode.  So many Latino people have fled dictatorships, and prize our democracy that I think there’s an understanding in the Latino community, maybe more than in other communities, people that have been here for…
MRC Latino | December 19, 2019
JOSE DIAZ-BALART: Today, the president put into practice (the principle) of the best defense being an attack, and published a six-page letter that threatened Democrats. CRISTINA LONDOÑO:  Democrats say that they have no choice but to impeach the president. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is more upset than ever. It’s a sham, he said, as President Trump tried to control his fury. PROTESTER: This is…
MRC Latino | December 18, 2019
CAROLINA SARASSA, ANCHOR, UNEWS: Despite the Trump administration rhetoric and policies against immigrants, millions of Latinos are Trump supporters. […] SARASSA: At a national level, trainings like this one in Virginia prepare Latino volunteers to spread their messaging. The economy is their focus, while impeachment  PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Not for criminal aliens.  JANET RODRÍGUEZ,…
MRC Latino | December 17, 2019
JORGE RAMOS: If you are undocumented in the United States, what is the safest way to travel? For many years, it was a Greyhound bus- especially if you were traveling far from the U.S.-Mexico border. It was cheap, it would go around the country, and you would be safe from being detained and deported.  But lately, agents from CBP- Customs and Border Protection- have been detaining immigrants…