jackie.seal | June 17, 2014
Just a few days ago NewsBusters noted that Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon has started making subtle jabs at President Obama. In last night's monologue he joked with the crowd about the president's recent annual physical checkup, taking a swipe at ObamaCare. The president, Fallon deadpanned, had complained about some pain in his right foot, but, "when asked why he doesn't get it treated, Obama…
jackie.seal | June 17, 2014
In a desperate effort to tout the collapse of the Republican Party, guest host of The Last Word, Ari Melber was joined by Howard Dean and David Frum on Monday evening to discuss the lack of serious ideas coming from the right. According to the MSNBC liberals, the fearful Tea Party wants to go back to a pre-Civil War America. 
jackie.seal | June 11, 2014
The right wing relies on extremist murders like Las Vegas shooters Jerad and Amanda Miller! At least, that's what Michael Eeric Dyson told his audience when he filled in for Ed Schultz on Tuesday evening's The Ed Show.
jackie.seal | June 9, 2014
This morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski discussed the Bergdahl controversy with their panel of guests. Julie Pace of the Associated Press told the panel that the president remains “defiant” in his decision of how his administration brought back Sergeant Bergdahl. Joe Scarborough called the president “extraordinarily tone-deaf.”
jackie.seal | June 6, 2014
Last night on FNC’s The Kelly File, host Megyn Kelly sat down in an exclusive interview with the six soldiers who served with Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. When Kelly asked them about accusations floating around that they’re just engaging in “swiftboating” and “playing politics” by speaking out the men voiced their frustration. One soldier told her, “I don’t know how he [Bergdahl] felt about us,…
jackie.seal | June 4, 2014
[Warning: Vulgarity ahead.] Dennis Miller has a response for those liberals who think this country is full of people who can't better their lives with new jobs: "America is built on busting your a**." Late Night host Seth Meyers on Tuesday night hosted his fellow Saturday Night Live alum. The radio host and comic was promoting his new stand up act, “America 180.” Video cross-posted at…
jackie.seal | June 3, 2014
On the Monday, June 2 edition of The View, in a rare moment, the notably liberal hosts took to blasting liberal actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Charlize Theron for the ludicrous, offensive comments they each made recently which seemed to minimize the real trials and hardships of military veterans and rape victims respectively.