Kristine Marsh | August 2, 2016
In a segment that seems to be catered for the MRC today, The View panel argued for half the show on whether or not media bias exists. CNN’s Sunny Hostin was the most vocal liberal panelist who sparred with FNC’s Jedediah Bila who first brought up the topic. Before Bila could even finish her sentence, Hostin jumped in to shake her head emphatically and say, “That’s not true,” adding a jab directed…
Kristine Marsh | August 2, 2016
  After the Khan family, a Muslim-American couple whose son was killed while fighting for the U.S. overseas, bashed Trump from the DNC stage last week, Trump in his typical style, escalated the situation by directing his criticism at the Khans. For this, the national media took him to task, hyping the situation and talking about it endlessly for the past five days. CNN, either trying to be…
Kristine Marsh | July 29, 2016
After the networks spent the morning going crazy over Clinton’s "emotional" and "historic" speech last night at the DNC, the cable news shows proved they couldn’t get enough either. Carol Costello on CNN’s Newsroom, provided one of the more over-the-top examples from the media’s fan club, calling Clinton women's "white knight:"    Read the rest of the blog here. 
Kristine Marsh | July 28, 2016
Longtime liberal hack Cokie Roberts made an appearance on Good Morning America Thursday morning, back to her usual shtick of defending Clinton and bashing those “racist” Republicans. During a segment on Chelsea Clinton, who will speak at tonight’s DNC event, Roberts argued that the public was wrong in its perception of Hillary Clinton as “inauthentic” before throwing in a punch at Republicans as…
Kristine Marsh | July 27, 2016
  Every slight is sexist, racist, homophobic, you name it, in the eyes of liberals. Case in point, the media’s overblown response to Donald Trump shushing NBC reporter Katy Tur during Wednesday morning’s press conference. Journalists on Twitter were aghast that Trump dared to interrupt a relentless reporter, while MSNBC’s Tamron Hall likened the exchange to overt sexism, in the age of the first…
Kristine Marsh | July 26, 2016
On Tuesday’s The View, host Whoopi Goldberg openly admitted that she could care less if the DNC rigged the system, because it was at the expense of “a white guy.” After revealing emails broke last Friday showing DNC officials had conspired to defeat Bernie Sanders, the ladies at the View became angry at Sanders supporters disrupting the Democratic Convention with their booing. Whoopi became…
Kristine Marsh | July 26, 2016
On this morning’s Good Morning America in an ABC exclusive, Robin Roberts spoke to seven mothers of black men who were killed by police, including the mothers of Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, and Trayvon Martin, and why they were supporting Hillary Clinton. ABC gave two separate segments on their morning show totaling 11 minutes and 31 seconds and that was just devoted to the preview of a full…
Kristine Marsh | July 25, 2016
To kick off the Democratic National Convention, ABC had an enthusiastic Clinton fan and biographer, Gail Sheehy, as a guest on their morning show. If you remember last week, Good Morning America took a decidedly different approach when they brought on a liberal anti-Trump guest on the first day of the Republican National Convention. Anchors George Stephanopoulos and Robin Roberts sat enraptured…
Kristine Marsh | July 22, 2016
On Thursday night’s The Daily Show, broadcast live from the RNC in Cleveland, host Trevor Noah brought on another journalist as his special guest to discuss the Republican convention. Wednesday it was CNN’s Christiane Amanpour and Thursday it was former MSNBC anchor Alex Wagner and current Senior Editor of left-wing publication The Atlantic. During the brief interview, Wagner ironically…
Kristine Marsh | July 21, 2016
On MSNBC’s The Place for Politics Thursday afternoon, anchor Andrea Mitchell repeatedly invited her Democrat guests to bash the Republican National Convention for it’s supposed ugly “tone” and “vitriol” towards Hillary Clinton. In two separate interviews on the show, Mitchell tried to paint this RNC convention as somehow worse in attacking the opposing candidate than other conventions.   Read…