Mike Ciandella | December 12, 2012
World News attack on Lean Finely Textured Beef, or "Pink Slime," from March 21, 2012.
Mike Ciandella | December 4, 2012
Political Correspondent Jonathan Karl pointed at the pledge as being a potential cause for the fiscal cliff. "The pledge is the biggest obstacle to any deal that would raise taxes," he told "World News" views Nov. 26.
Mike Ciandella | November 30, 2012
Read more at NewsBusters.
Mike Ciandella | November 16, 2012
BMI's Julia Seymour dicusses the fiscal cliff on "Your World" with Neil Cavuto
Mike Ciandella | September 5, 2012
News outlets are focusing on the latest gaffe from Vice President Joe Biden who said to a largely African-American audience that the GOP was “going to put y’all back in chains.” Just over two years ago, the gaffemaster joked that he had “never had a gaffe” in a July 18, 2010 interview with ABC’s Jake Tapper. Even then, that claim was itself a joke. It came only a few months after his…