Naked Emperor News | October 5, 2008
In an interview while running for office, Barack Obama bragged about his connections to William Ayers, a former terrorist with Weather Underground.
Naked Emperor News | October 5, 2008
In 2007, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama declared subprime mortgages, now blamed as a key factor in the U.S. financial crisis, were good for Americans.
Naked Emperor News | October 5, 2008
The Democrats have been taking payoffs from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to look the other way for decades! Now video is found of the CEO of Fannie Mae in 2005 explaining the "family" connection with Democrats.
Naked Emperor News | October 5, 2008
Democrats in their own words, covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac scam that caused our economic crisis.Watch as the scandal ridden Maxine Waters, who is next in line to be ranking member of the House Finance Committee, defends the organization that almost brought down the entire US economy.Of course, the whole thing was George Bush's fault.