Ken Shepherd | August 12, 2015
TOPICS: -- Obama Vacation -- Martha's Vineyard -- Hillary Clinton Poll Numbers -- 13 HOURS movie -- Census Bureau -- GOP Candidates -- Iran Nuke Deal -- Border Crisis
Ken Shepherd | August 7, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | Sen. Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), who has been practically anointed the successor to Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (Nevada), exploited the media focus on the GOP presidential debate last night to release a press statement announcing that he would be voting against the Iran nuclear deal when it comes to the Senate floor. This decision, according to MSNBC's Luke Russert,…
Ken Shepherd | August 6, 2015
Republican presidential contender Carly Fiorina has to be Chris Matthews's worst nightmare: a conservative who punches back hard and doesn't let Chris control the narrative during his interview. Watch this exchange from the August 6 edition of Hardball.
Ken Shepherd | August 6, 2015
TOPICS: -- Planned Parenthood -- Cecil the Lion -- Hillary Clinton -- Jim Gilmore for President -- Chris Matthews -- Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- John Kerry -- Khloe Kardashian -- Lincoln Chaffee
Ken Shepherd | July 30, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | Chastised by former GOP chairman Michael Steele for her haughty, condescending attitude towards "low[est] common denominator" middle-class Republican voters who are at the very least giving Donald Trump a fair hearing, Salon editor-at-large Joan Walsh shot back, "I'm much more one of them than he is," adding, "I wasn't born to wealth, for God's sake, Michael Steele!"
Ken Shepherd | July 29, 2015
TOPICS: -- President Obama -- Overtime Pay -- Hillary Clinton -- Iran -- British Royal Family -- Greece -- Oregon Marijuana -- Starbucks -- Martin O'Malley
Ken Shepherd | July 23, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | Closing a segment on the July 23 program about Republican criticism of the nuclear deal that the Obama/Kerry State Department brokered with the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hardball host Chris Matthews wondered if 2016 presidential aspirant Marco Rubio's vocal criticism of the deal might in some way be "illegal."
Ken Shepherd | July 23, 2015
TOPICS: -- President Obama Job Approval -- Iran Nuclear Deal -- Donald Trump -- John McCain -- El Chapo -- Choctaw Nation -- Francisco Sanchez -- 50 Cent
Ken Shepherd | July 22, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | The Planned Parenthood sting videos are "house of horrors stuff" and yet the liberal media outlets barely reported the first one and all but ignored the second, Media Research Center founder and For America chairman Brent Bozell told Fox Business Network's Stuart Varney today on his eponymous Varney & Co. program.
Ken Shepherd | July 21, 2015
Read more at NewsBusters | For the second segment of his July 22 Hardball program, MSNBC's Chris Matthews took a brief break from his priority on Trump-bashing to effusively praise the latest GOP presidential primary entrant, Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio), whom he once fantasized on air as accepting a vice presidential nomination from Democrat Hillary Clinton.