US Constitution

P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 23, 2020
  It’s astounding to see a purportedly “peaceful” person engage in threats of assault. It’s even more stunning to see said person act as if…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 23, 2020
There’s something peculiar about Joe Biden’s love of masks. Since 1987 -- when he hid behind words that sounded eerily similar to a speech…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 21, 2020
In typical leftist fashion, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey just promised a grant of $10 million to a Boston University “scholar” whose “anti-racist” policy…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 20, 2020
Like the child who stands against the prevailing pusillanimous psychosis of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” in the 1837 Hans Christian Andersen tale of…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 17, 2020
Fiction writers occasionally employ the term, “He who shall not be named,” to refer to some great malevolence. August Derleth applied it to the dark…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 14, 2020
Singer Bryan Adams released a huge hit in his theme song for Kevin Costner’s 1991 film, “Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves.” It was called, “Everything I…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 12, 2020
If there is one overriding principle that inspired American colonials to venture onto the eastern shores of this continent, it is religious…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 12, 2020
In June, we reported on one of the disasters hidden in the toweringly unconstitutional “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security” (CARES) Act…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 10, 2020
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer strikes again -- this time seeming so Red Queen megalomaniacal that observers might be tempted to ask, “Are you…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 10, 2020
  In order to keep up with the hectoring and hysterical times, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced that it is…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 7, 2020
  “Checkpoint Charlie”: the portal between East and West Berlin during the brutal Soviet occupation of East Germany. It was a place where…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 4, 2020
New information has surfaced revealing a schism between St. Louis police and Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner regarding her attempt to prosecute Mark and…