
Joe Schoffstall | April 24, 2012
Today over at Hot Air, Ed Morrissey brings up 'PAYGO' (remember that?), where Democrats claimed they would pay for programs as they go along. Ed…
Joe Schoffstall | April 23, 2012
Today, President Obama delivered a speech at the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. Also today, the newly formed Atrocities Prevention…
kyoder | April 18, 2012
AP reporters offer the latest in the Secret Service scandal involving prostitutes in Colombia. (h/t AP)
kyoder | March 26, 2012
President Obama's hot mic gave away private comments he shared with Russian president Dmitri Medvedev concerning NATO's missile defense system for…
Joe Schoffstall | March 20, 2012
A woman in Peoria, Illinois stood up to let Mitt Romney know she wants free birth control. Romney responds by telling her to 'vote for the other guy…
kyoder | March 19, 2012
President Obama joins in on the Irish fun for St. Patrick's Day at the Dubliner Irish Pub in D.C.(h/t abcnews)
kyoder | March 16, 2012
‘Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us…
Joe Schoffstall | February 20, 2012
Remember  Sen. John McCain? The guy who handed the election to Obama? After remaining pretty low key in the Senate, he's back in the spotlight for…
kyoder | February 17, 2012
There’s more than meets the eye with narwhals. One might picture the “unicorn of the sea:” a tusked porpoise related to the dolphins. But now,…
Alicia Powe | February 15, 2012
President Obama unveiled his plan to implement a “global minimum tax” Wednesday. “From now on every multinational company should have to pay a basic…
Teacheru | February 10, 2012
Hannity-FNC-02.09.2012Conservative videos and commentaries at http://teacheru.us. Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/teacheru75
Teacheru | February 7, 2012
Michele Bachmann on Cavuto-02.07.2012Conservative videos and commentaries at http://teacheru.us. Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/…