
kbrown | May 16, 2007
Barbara Walters “pulled no punches” with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, talking about his coffee habits and if he would like to be married. “Good…
kbrown | April 25, 2007
ABC’s Brian Ross took a dig at gun laws and Diane Sawyer blamed the guns for taking lives at Virginia Tech on the April 18, 2007 “Good Morning…
kbrown | April 25, 2007
Brian Ross made Roanoke Firearms owner John Markell sound like a criminal on “Good Morning America” April 18, 2007.
kbrown | April 18, 2007
ABC “World News Saturday” covers the “Step It Up” national climate rallies on April 14, 2007 which called for a mandatory 80 percent reduction in…
kbrown | April 4, 2007
“Nightline” reporter Jessica Yellin banters back and forth with Michael Jacobson of CSPI about the fat and sodium in Chinese food on March 21, 2007.
kbrown | March 28, 2007
In a March 26 segment called “The Home Wreckers,” “World News” anchor Charles Gibson blamed lenders’ “creative financing” for the increasing numbers…
kbrown | March 28, 2007
“World News” anchor Charles Gibson blamed lenders’ “creative financing” for the increasing numbers of foreclosures.
kbrown | March 11, 2007
Reporting on the July 11 “World News Tonight,” ABC’s John McKenzie downplayed the millions of dollars it takes to develop new cancer drugs while…
kbrown | February 14, 2007
Prompted by the movie "Blood Diamond," ABC's "Nightline" took a look at "dirty diamonds" on December 13, 2006.
kbrown | February 7, 2007
Reporter Bill Blakemore said there is “no longer any question” about the causes of global warming which could cause more droughts and heat waves as…
kbrown | January 4, 2007
On the January 3 “World News,” ABC’s Charles Gibson cited liberal Rep. Barney Frank’s (D-Mass.) criticism of Home Depot, but failed to tell viewers…
kbrown | January 3, 2007
Although nearly 9 in 10 Americans are happy with their health care, ABC reporter Bill Weir called it a “shattered system full of pain and worry.”