Brittany M. Hughes
Managing Editor

Brittany is the managing editor of MRCTV and MRC Culture. She hosts the weekly podcast "The Brittany Hughes Show" and previously hosted "Reality Check" on MRCTV. She's a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Before coming to MRCTV, she worked as an investigative reporter for CNS News. Prior to that, she was an education and politics reporter in Danville, Virginia. 

Brittany M. Hughes | February 12, 2021
Thousands of jobs lost. Billions sent overseas. Borders open to anyone who can get across them. Abortions on demand and on taxpayers' dime. Welcome to Joe Biden’s America. It’s been three weeks. And you can bet the worst is yet to come.      Related: Illegal Immigration Skyrockets 157% in January, With 75,000 Migrants Caught In One Month
Brittany M. Hughes | February 12, 2021
Despite the Biden administration’s efforts to destroy women’s sports and erase female biology from our culture, at least one state is pushing back. The North Dakota state legislature is advancing a bill that bans transgender students from participating on sports teams based on their “preferred gender,” instead mandating that they compete based on their biological gender from birth. The bill,…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 12, 2021
Forget 100 days, 100 million doses. Forget the mantra that we will "defeat COVID.” Forget any notion of an end in sight to the ridiculous germaphobic path we’ve careened down for the past year. President Joe Biden indicated Thursday that despite the presence of a vaccine that is (slowly but surely) being rolled out across the country, Americans can expect to be wearing face masks for the next…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 11, 2021
The California city of Coachella is now mandating that all grocery stores, restaurants, retail pharmacies and farms with 300 employees or more implement a $4-an-hour “hero pay” bump for all their workers. Yep - rather than simply allowing retail establishments to open up for customers and return to business as usual, the city is instead mandating that stores and restaurants remain open at…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 10, 2021
The shine has definitely worn off in Tinseltown, and what's been exposed underneath is about as rotten as it gets. Actress Charisma Carpenter is the latest to come out against Avengers producer/director Joss Whedon, a Hollywood icon who has recently been accused by multiple actors and actresses of displaying abusive and harassing behavior on set, particularly toward young women. Her story marks…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 10, 2021
On the heels of Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban confirming that he'd instructed his team not to play the National Anthem before home games, the NBA has swiftly come out to put a halt to the move. Cuban's decision, having reportedly been quietly rolled out before the preseason, was only just reported by ESPN on Tuesday, despite the Dallas-based team having declined to play the anthem before all…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 10, 2021
When it comes to erasing women from society and waging an all-out war on femininity, one hospital is taking gender-bending to a whole new extreme. According to this, midwives helping women – er, “pregnant people” – give birth at the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust in England have been instructed not to use any “gendered language” while helping guide women through labor and…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 10, 2021
Update: 2/10/21 2:15pm - NBA Now Says 'All Teams Will Play the National Anthem' Following Backlash Against Mark Cuban   Early in the season, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban reportedly told his NBA team not to play the National Anthem before home games. And they're holding to it. The decision was made quietly during the preseason, but was just confirmed to ESPN on Tuesday. ESPN noted the…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 10, 2021
Aunt Jemima’s finally got a new name – and no face. As of this week, the popular breakfast foods brand, having been sold under its iconic “Aunt Jemima” name and logo for more than 130 years, has been relabeled the “Pearl Milling Company” in an effort to divorce itself from alleged racist ties that never actually existed. The move comes nearly a year after PepsiCo., which owns the Quaker brand…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 9, 2021
A woman who put Gorilla Glue on her hair is now considering suing the company over their products’ “misleading” label, marking one of the most ridiculous lawsuits since a woman tried to sue McDonalds after spilling her own cup of hot coffee in her lap. TikTok influencer Tessica Brown, who's 40 years old, went viral on social media for posting about the medical problems she faced after she ran…