Alex Christy
Alex Christy | September 29, 2023
[See NewsBusters for more.] CNN senior political analyst John Avlon gave an unofficial donate to Biden 2024 on Friday’s CNN This Morning as he hailed his Thursday speech “about threats to democracy” and “bipartisanship” while Republicans launch their “farcical impeachment inquiry.”
Alex Christy | September 29, 2023
[See NewsBusters for more.] MSNBC presidential historian Michael Beschloss joined Thursday’s Alex Wagner Tonight to recap what the chyron described as President Biden’s “fourth address on saving democracy” and the previous night’s GOP debate. Naturally, Beschloss thought Biden was comparable to Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt preparing the nation for World War II while lamenting…
Alex Christy | September 28, 2023
[See NewsBusters for more.]  During the Thursday edition of MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, the eponymous host battled with Virginia GOP Rep. Bob Good on the beginning of the House’s impeachment inquiry into President Biden with mutual accusations of spreading falsehoods. Immediately afterword, Mitchell welcomed New York Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman for a much softer interview.
Alex Christy | September 28, 2023
[See NewsBusters for more.] During Wednesday’s GOP Presidential Debate, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis defended his state’s history standards on slavery by labeling criticisms of them a “hoax” that has been perpetrated by Vice President Kamala Harris. Such a defense did not sit well with the fact-checking industry despite DeSantis being correct.
Alex Christy | September 27, 2023
[See NewsBusters for more.] All three Wednesday morning network shows covered the news that 26-year old tech CEO Pava LaPere was murdered in Baltimore setting off a desperate manhunt for Jason Billingsley, but none of them managed to mention the role Democrat, progressive icon, and Soros-backed Marilyn Mosby had in releasing him from prison.
Alex Christy | September 26, 2023
[See NewsBusters for more.] Political commentator and alleged former Republican strategist Ana Navarro argued on Tuesday’s CNN News Central that the lesson of the Sen. Bob Menendez scandal is that Democrats are better than Republicans because Democrats are distancing themselves from the “champion for the Latino community.”
Alex Christy | September 26, 2023
[See NewsBusters for more.] CNN Primetime host Abby Phillip assembled a group of nominal and former Republicans on Monday’s show to discuss the state of the Republican primary and the news that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Gov. Gavin Newsom have agreed to debate each other on November 30. That the nation’s foremost conservative and liberal governors will debate each other is hilarious…
Alex Christy | September 23, 2023
[See NewsBusters for more.] CNN’s Kaitlan Collins sat down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for Friday’s edition of The Source where she blamed him and his judicial reforms for the “damage” done to U.S.-Israeli relations which led to Netanyahu, once again, having to educate an American journalist on just what his judicial reforms entail.
Alex Christy | September 23, 2023
[See NewsBusters for more.] The Saturday installment of ABC’s Good Morning America claimed to have found something President Biden should be concerned about: he’s not enough of a climate zealot. With no discussion on how Biden’s environmental policies impact the real world or even a Republican response, all viewers got were some far-left activists lamenting “it’s embarrassing.”
Alex Christy | September 23, 2023
[See NewsBusters for more.] For PBS NewsHour’s regular weekly recap on Friday with New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart, the news that the national debt surpassed $33 trillion was deemed so unimportant that it was not mentioned. What was considered important are the internal power dynamics within the Republican Party.